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Hymna ZŠ Kežmarská 30


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Foto Ivan Bober


Memorial of Ivan Bober
volleyball tournament of classmates, trainers, colleagues, friends...

On 2nd May 2004 deputy headmaster Mgr. Ivan Bober suddenly left us. Our tireless volleyball enthusiast co-worked on success of school sport centre at girl's volleyball for long years. On 25th September 2004 on occassion of his 40th birthday his friends got together to remember his merit of school's achievement at volleyball tournaments.

Privítali sme...

...manželku... ...otca... ...brata...
We welcomed his... ...wife... ...father... ...brother...
...kolegyne... ...kolegov... ...telocvikárov... Poďakovanie otca
...female colleagues... ...colleagues... ...P.E. teachers... Father's thank
Losovanie Porada Súťažiaci Diváčky
Drawing of lots Discussion Contestants Spectators
Diváci Rozhodca Zápas Striedanie
Spectators The referee The match Replacement
Blahoželanie súperov Sponzor turnaja Hosteska Spomienky
Congratulations of rivals Sponsor of tournament Hostess Memories
Manželka Zlaťa S otcom Prestávka Šéf turnaja
Zlaťa - the wife With the father Break Boss of tournament
Ako na to? Po úspešnom smeči Napätie coachov Radosť divákov
How will we do it? After successful smash Tense coaches Cheerful spectators
Striháme Bojová porada Pri striedačke Pred záverom turnaja
Decision Battle session After replacement Before the end of the tournament
Príprava na oceňovanie Všetci získali plakety ...a sú zvedaví... ...čo tam je.
Preparation for pricing Everybody received plaque... ...and they're curious... ...what is inside.
Bronzový... ...strieborný... ...a zlatý team Proste najlepší
Bronze,... ...silver.. ...and gold team Simply the best
So goodbye after a year in September 2005


|school|classes|memorial|EDPS|Halloween|calendar|shooting|reg shooting|workshop|children|registration|

Aktualizácia 16.10.2004
Mgr. Pavel Horňák