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Hymna ZŠ Kežmarská 30


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Third European Day of Parents and Schools
"Open Evening"

13th October 2004 we realized Open Evening on occasion of TEDPS for the second time. Open courses for parents were its part as well. The Evening began with cultural programme in the gym and then took place in the school area. Parents with children found their activities according to notice boards but also help of our hostesses.



Príprava ozvučenia Rodičia - diváci "Nuž vitajte!"
Hostesses Preparation of sound system Parents - spectators "So welcome!"
Diváci "veľkí" Diváci "malí" Diváci "účinkujúci" Diváci "pred vystúpením"
"Big" spectators "Small" spectators "Performing" spectators Spectators "before performance"
Naše "strašidlá" Po odhalení Disco tanec V rytme
Our "spooks" After revelation Disco dance In rhythm
V sukničkách Príjemné slovo Pred divákmi Indiáni
In skirts Pleasing word In front of spectators Indians - boys
Indiánky Indiánky Latina Latina
Indians - girls Indians - girls Latino Latino
Tak toto... ...sú naše... ...účinkujúce... ...kolektívy
So these... ...are our... ...performing... ...groups.
Kolektívy,... ...tanečné páry,... ... i jednotlivci... ...v našom programe
Teams,... ...dancing couples,... ... and individuals... ...in our programme.
Pred kariérou športovca Tu sa tvorí origami Takto ich to naučíme... ...a taký je výsledok
Before the career of sportsman Here is created origami We teach them like this... ...and this is the result.
Rodinné puzzle Výtvarná tvorba Takto sa namaľuje... ...strom
Family puzzle Art This is how we paint... ...a tree.
Pekné nerasty Máme ich tu viac Obľúbené počítačové... ...učebne
Pretty minerals We have more here Favourite computer... ...classrooms
Dievčatá... ... i chlapci... ...chystajú a pečú... ...vianočné ozdoby
Girls... ...and boys... ...prepare and bake... ...Christmas decorations.
Mamičky sa tešia Učiteľky... ...súperia... ...s volejbalistkami
Mommies enjoy Teachers... ...compete... ...with volleyball players.
A streľba... ...tá trvala... ...do neskorých... ...večerných hodín
And shooting... ...lasted... ...till late... ...evening hours
So goodbye after a year in October 2005


|school|classes|memorial|EDPS|Halloween|calendar|shooting|reg shooting|workshop|children|registration|

Update 23.10.2004
Mgr. Pavel Horňák