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Halloween 2004

         On 27th October 2004 pupils entered the school "At 30 Kežmagic" and started to perform magic tricks at lessons like pumpkin-cutting, conjuring, ghostmaths, screaming class, ate in delicanteen and danced at broom-ball. And here are the creations from spookword lesson:

Halloween je sviatok strašidelný,
deťom sa vždy veľmi páči.
Chodia z domu do domu,
pýtajú si odmenu.

                   Maroš Šolc
K Halloweenu patrí tekvica,
v noci čaruje čarodejnica.
Klobúk ma na hlave,
mieša v kotli práve.
Pani učiteľka je čertica,
v triede svieti tekvica.
                   Emma Bratková
Kežmočarka Čertica Vždyhovoriace tekvíčatá Trinity nám... ...vždy pomôže
Devil from Kežmagic Always-speaking pumpkin children Trinity is always... ...helping us. 
Kežmočarka Wednesday Tekvicovyrezávanie
Wednesday from Kežmagic Pumpkin-cutting
Kežmočarka Bosorka Duchorátanie
Witch from Kežmagic Ghostmaths
Kežmočarka Myška Trieda mágie... ...a duchov Myšky sa nebojíme
Mouse from Kežmagic Class of magic... ...and ghosts. We're not afraid of Mouse
Pavučinovňa Rodina duchov Štvrtáci - strašiaci Spolok strašidiel
Cobwebmaster's office Family of ghosts Fourth class - scarecrows The club of spooks
Kežmočarsky zbor S Pavučinovcom Šedivým Kežmočarsky zbor Kežmočarska zborovňa
Kežmagic staff With grey cobwebmaster Kežmagic staff Kežmagic staff room
Kežmočarka Bosorka Kežmočarka Wednesday Kežmočarka Čertica Kežmočarka Trinity
Witch from Kežmagic Wednesday from Kežmagic Devil from Kežmagic Trinity from Kežmagic
Ghost-bye after a year in October 2005


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Update 12.3.2004
Mgr. Pavel Horňák